
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The worries of a blogger who cannot get on!

This is my first blog since April 26. It looks funny since I had been on at Living Hope and the conservpastor.blogspot.com/ site. For some reason, probably my error or stupidity, I could not get on and there was no way to log in, make cookies accepted, sign in, get a password, get a name; it was a nightmare. For a month now I have been slaving away but no dice. Perhaps all my new business cards with the old site are now wasted. Of course, I could take time to explain all this to every contact! Many things have happened since this time out. Jurists, Bolton, Frist, the Pope, Deep Throat. all have occured without expressions of fear, hope, fun, opinion being shared. I suppose I could just scream out and hope cyberspace hears me but now that I have contacted Hugh Hewitt, Radio Blogger, Mark Roberts as the old Living Hope and note that some contacts are still on the old site, it might be worth it to re-contact them just to say: I live. I think therefore I am in cyberspace. Oh the pain. Oh the humanity. No way to crusade against the Times, the Post, the Globe in heated exchanges. Well, perhaps I can start anew though now old contacts will not know of this new site. The name comes about because I am a pastor at a now merged church, called Abundanthope. Still, I also teach political science so I suppose I could call it Abundantboundinginanddispensinghope. Yipe. Looks like a town in Wales!


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