
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Now there are two abundathopes. What did I do wrong?

Well, I clicked on view. I came up with 2 new sites. But, only 1 is now filled with my first post. I am praying that this will be the second blog. Who knows? Perhaps I should go to computer school and just inundate myself in all the tricks of the trade. Seems so wasteful because before my computer disasters of the last month, I could blog cheerfully when I wanted. Now I am not so sure I can get on here at abundanthope when I want. Ah, but I shall try to do it daily so THERE WILL BE NO TIMEOUTS. IS THAT THE PHRASE? At least my wife and I are off on a jaunt to Ft. Launderdale. In that week's time, will I again be subjected to the wiles of cyberspace and lose this connection??? Perhaps. Then what? Create another blog? Soon I will have 20 but none that I can depend upon!! Sort of the like having too much welfare, too much liberalism, too much secularism. Water water everywhere and I am being flooded by sites.


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