No moral foundations equals crisis mentality.
The 4th was a great holiday to show how , why, God helped create the USA as a city set on a hill to produce freedom under the Creator! But, after the Korean outburst, the Larry King show with Mdm. Albright of the Clinton era blaming Bush instead of Carter-Clinton, (who really gave them free nuke technology, oil, food to appease the Korean thugs.), the Space Shuttle, the media cries were GLOBAL CRISES HIT THE WORLD. For heaven's sakes, crises go on each day, each minute for many people, probably 6 billion of them. No one seems to think that any moral foundation as in the Judeo-Christian theology will give people some balance. Well, no one in the media, that is. Facts are uncomfortable things, inconvenient and inane for ideologues of the Left. They think that if they get people all revved up in fear, confusion, that the USA will take another big hit and especially the current Administration who is handling many such crises all at once. Leadership counts but you would not know it if you looked at the media every day. No, the world is ending and no one or no idea , (except those of the Left of course) can save humanity. God is never mentioned in these solutions. But, some people in America know that it is the balance of God which helps them face crises every day. Now, if only the Leftist media would figure that out!
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