
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Look at Pollhost.com

Today, I did something I have wanted to do for a bit. I put up a poll for Christians. It is on Pollhost.com. It asks the question, Should Christians stick with the Republican Party in November? There have been much to do about how Democrats NEED religious voters. That seems to mean that Democrats today, the party of leftist secularists, does not have many Judeo-Christian believers in the Party. It happens that the Gop has had a majority of these above believers for the last 20 years. This began in force during the Reagan years and has moved more with the '94 Gingrich House Revolution . But, now, many believers are wondering just what do the parties represent. Who stands for Biblical values? Ann Coulter has a new book out on Liberal Gods and they sure don't look like the Biblical God. The Gop has some values that believers like but there are many issues such as illegal immigration, nuke aid to Iran to bribe them into peace!!!!!!, a huge budget deficit which seem to go against religious values. So what do voters do if they are believers? Frankly, I cannot ever support candidates who are liberal secularists on the many issues that face this nation. I cannot support any pol who doesn't believe in the 10 Commandments. I cannot support any pol who doesn't realize that Islamofacism is downright evil and must be opposed. Whether this will be so in November for other voters is still a large question.


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