
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Culture watch

Went to the gym on Friday after teaching my college class with 20 plus seniors debating the issues of the day. We always cover culture questions whether it is on music, books, plays, and things that cover American life on a secular or spiritual level. Heard some song which was either a cross between hip hop, rap and just nonsense. The guy mumbled that it was OK to do anything that one wanted as long as it made one feel good and one had fun. Now Cosby, even Sharpton, Juan Williams have been warning black culture to shape up or go the way of the barbarians. But, song writers, producers, entertainers who are not black also are producing more fever swamp renditions that destroy our morality, our self worth, civic pride and virtue. These songs, even plays and surely movies attack Christian values, make fun of the military, want to assassinate President Bush, and glorify sex to the point where our kids are not only over-sexualized but filled with hate for their own culture, families, and traditions. Schools don't help much with course in appreciating homosexuality and transgender politics. Churches seem to revel in ordaining gays and denouncing fellow Christians who are Bible based and Christ Centered. Not tolerant , don't you know. What to do is the Question for me? What are churches, families, even government and educational activities and agendas doing to restore some sense of civility, fairness, respect, integrity and moral views of the universe? I would love some media outlet to do stories on that. A list of churches, non-profits, agencies, even private schools and families who are teaching and doing by example to restore our Judeo-Christian Western civilization would be a help to others who are getting very discouraged when looking at our culture. Even at the gym!


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