
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Do churches have anything to say?

In today's world, it seems that very few people listen to what churches say, write or proclaim. A mission book in 2005 remarked that 221,000,000 Americans are unchurched. Now, the media will report on the Pope , some Muslim nutters, when gays get ordained, many liberal mainline churches but will not report very often just what evangelical, conservative, pentecostal Christians are doing in their communities or what impact they may have in America. Not unless a nutcake ends up in the news. This is a shame since many many Americans are people who live out their lives with a Judeo-Christian Worldview, believers all. Our little church has two cable access TV shows on weekly in our SoCal area. One is my show on Wed. eve. at 5:30pm. It is an analysis of culture, politics, govt., economics and social life from a Judeo-Christian Western Civ. worldview. Not many TV show, well none to be accurate do this. TBN used to do so but cut the programs because supposedly they offended Muslims. The other program is by my partner, Pastor D on Fri. eve.at 5:30pm. This is his Sun. Sermon , filled with hope, encouragement and love from the Lord Jesus. Both programs are done to show people how faith and life and action can impact not only our locale but America too. We don't know if anyone watches the programs. But, they are serious, often fun, filled with faith and truth and encourage people to live out their life style in an often hostile society.


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