Judges, Iraq and Iran
The President seems to be haunted by many issues including illegal immigration and energy policies that the Dems have not engaged. But, the issues nowadays that have the MSM engaged are Judges, Iraq, Iran and the Downing St. Memo. The Left loves to pile on especially when conservatives, Christians, Bushies or Pubs are involved. I still want Frist to push as many Bush judicial appointments through as he can. Energy, immigration , Trade, seem now to be on the front burner but the Base wants Frist to deal with these judges since in the long run, along with democracy in the ME, Bush will be known for his judicial impact years afterwards. This, the Left knows and hates. It is bad enough for them that Bush, Christians, an alliance between Judeo-Christian values people seem to be still in charge of political things but for judges to be approved, this puts the Left in OUTRAGE LEFT FIELD.
If only the Memo can get Bush impeached as Kerry dreams of. If only Bush poll numbers keep going down and soldiers keep dying. Then the Left hopes for victories. Great isn't it when Americans hope for doom for other Americans to get back in power! Hugh Hewitt mentions today that two other jurists, Kavanaugh and Griffith need to be passed on. There are issues other than jurists , of course, but to the Base, remember, this is priority no. 1. Tues, an amendment by Tancredo on immigration is important. Novak today says Kyoto is coming round again for Bush via Blair's push. Trade is important. Energy is really important. Then too, the articles about China (one in the Boston Globe yesterday) is coming to be a pain in our collective rear ends! Iran is important. A poll recently said, young people want a change of govt. and relations with America. Whether that happens is moot now that bombs are exploding again. So, Bush has his hands full and those Dems still are not helping as good Americans. They crave power so much that these issues can go to hell in a hand basket before they would pick up one stick to support this President. That is the real crime we should be discussing. Not Jackson and his perversions!
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