
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Defense of the right

Well, finally W defended himself, ourselves, the war against Islamofascism! Finally. For 4 years , the lies, distortions and prevarications of the Dems, the Left and the MSM have made America look like the enemy. Enough was enough. And oh btw, one is encouraged that the conserv-Biblical-Christ centered Christians in the Anglican church are finally seeking a division from the Left leaning, Pro-homosexual, anti-Biblical Episcopals here in America. Now, if only the conserv-Christians in the United Methodists, United Presbyies and other left-leaning churches would do the same, a more muscuar Biblical-Christian church would arise to impact our Leftist-secular society. Gee, isn't it nice to see people standing up for righteousness and the right once in a while?!!It is time for reticient believers in the Judeo-Christian Western Civ worldview to stand up and blast the Leftists, the defeatists, the unrighteous without fear of not being POLITICALLY CORRECT. Frankly, I am sick to death of the wussies and cowards who will not defend right vs wrong, good vs evil. With all the sliding scales of these issues put forward by the media, the university campuses and even so-called religious groups like the phoney People for the American Way, the time has long gone when proponents of the right should have defended God, moral, and Biblical issues without being afraid. And, oh yes, Islamofascists are EVIL. Not just misunderstood. It is almost Thanksgiving. Remember my idea of being thankful. Well, already the MSM is blasting Christmas and Christ. It is time to stand up for the idea of Christmas as a religious time to remember the Creator God Saviour of the world without shame.


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