
Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I am sick to death of liberal Dems trying to criminalize politics and policy differences between philosophies of government, economics, social policy,religion, culture and many ethical positions. John Danforth, supposedly a moderate Pub, says Christians are too aggressive in the GOP. Delay is indicted because Ronnie Earle wants a scalp. Now, this Rove et al indictment wait and expectation. Yet, the Clintons escaped. So many Dems have been indicted over the years for fraud etc. but never for policy reasons. It is time to stop this type of indictment. It is killing political rationale.Philosophy of government should be decided at election time not by liberal judges or liberal prosecutors. Special prosecutors, who the Dems wanted stopped after Clinton's years, are now back in full force, only this time as the agent of Democrat revenge. What they cannot win at the ballot box, they try to win at courts, through judges who want scalps. We shall see if Rove is really indicted. We shall see if Christians do feel they should not join the GOP and want things electorally from the GOP. It seems that it is not criminal or immoral when gays, lesbians, illegal immigrants, jailed felons who want to vote via Democrat demands, abortion on demand proponents, the ACLU, anti-war socialists and communists who support Dem policies support the Democrat Party but it is when pro-war partisans, Christians of all stripes, and capitalists who like democracy support the Republican Party. I am sick of it and yet Republicans, Bush, even the alternative media which is pro-conservative doesn't seem to have the guts to stand up and say it. So what should I expect?????


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