
Monday, November 07, 2005

OK, evil is winning!

The Jordanian bombings, the fact that Democrats in the Senate are calling Bush the liar, the cause of all terrorism, the fact that W's poll numbers are dropping like a stone because he stands for a war against Islamoterrorism in Iraq et al, seems to show that evil is winning. The public seems to be buying this garbage. Ever since 2001, liberals, Leftists of all stripes have said W lied. Now, it is being believed. The CIA are the bad guys according to the Leftists and the MSM. It is being believed. Our military losses mean Democrat gains. What an upside down world! And it seems to be working. We can't even get an investigation in the Senate when CIA secrets are leaked. Unless , of course, it is about Plame-Wilson and a phoney outing.

If that is not enough, in Ca., people on election day could not even allow parents to have the right to hear about an abortion of an underage girl! Gay rights seem more important to voters now than a 3rd World War against Islamofascism. People are calling for Bush's impeachment over a war he did not begin. People now think that 2000 military killed is somehow the worst thing since the Black Plague of the Dark Ages. Yet, those 2000 were voluteers who thought that patriotism meant something. Most of the military today still believe that and they also believe, dispite the Left and the MSM, that we are winning the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. When abortion rights become more important than our national security, we are in another Dark Ages.

I wonder if this will turn around. Many writers on the Right say it will. Of course, the Left and Democrats are praying it does not turn around so they can regain their power. They arrogantly play this war as another political campaign. It is Clintonism to the enth degree. Frustrated, depressed, sad, you bet I am. If good men do nothing, nothing good will be done. It now seems , at least for this news cycle, that evil is winning. The Left doesn't believe in my description of evil and that is really evil since they turn goodness and evil on its head. All in the name of undermining the USA, the hated Bush and bringing them back to DC with the same old playbook. And so far, it looks like the public is buying it. Hopefully, this darkness will turn to light and reality. Before it is too late for America.


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