A looksee into the culture wars, Xmas etc.
Well, with the war against Christmas in full swing ( as John Gibson's great book explains), with our culture wars in full swing (Abe Foxman is at war with Evangelicals because he thinks they don't really support Israel and are extreme as Islamofascists), as well as the MSM 's war against all things Judeo-Christian, it is time to give thanks once again for all the the things right about America, God, the war against Islamists, and the stupidity of the Leftist Democrats. Can you imagine an Ex-Prez in a foreign nation, during WWII or Korea or even Nam undermining the troops, the present Prez and the military fighting Islamists? Never! Well ole Bubba Clinton did just that in the ME just a day or so ago. It is bad enough that the Leftist Dems in the Senate are anti-Italian, anti-Catholic, and anti-Evangelical in their rants against W's judicial nominees but to undermine our troops with a nutty Resolution that Pubs put forward, its not only alarming but Quisling like by both silly Dems and Pubs. For heaven's sakes, as we turn off our TV's and the Net absorbing all these horrors, we then go into large stores only to see Christmas disappearing and something like Winter Soltice, or Winter Wonderland Holidays appearing. Even Santa is gone in some stores. And to ever see a Nativity Scene, well that would be so un-PC that we may be offending Mike Nedow and the other atheists, leftists, or university profs who cannot abide Purity and Truth other than their own egoes. It really is pathetic and may I not only leave this post with an early Happy Thanksgiving to the God and Savior of the Bible for this nation and its goodness and goodies, but even an earlier Merry Christmas to all the saints and even all the sinners: who need the reason for the season more than they need a new IPOD!
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