
Monday, December 19, 2005

Advent of the Truth, secular and religious

We are in the Blessed Advent Season. We all know Jesus wasn't born on Dec. 25. But, the Church for centures has commemorated this time to honor the great King, Lord and Saviour of the Universe. We do at our church in SoCal. There is a great truth here even with the secular war against Christmas. It is not just a war against a holiday or mangers. It is a war against the Intolerant Idea that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light of the World for All Humanity. That ticks off many , many people around the world and inside our nation. Especially with the elites, the MSM, the university campuses and the Leftist Democrat Party.

Truth is hard to know when it is lied about for the past 50 years. One truth is that America is not the source of all the globe's ills, sins, worries, poverty, wars or troubles. But, that is hard to find in the elitist view of America. It is hard to find when America is in a war against the horrors of an evil enemy, a cultural war, a military war, a social war against Islamofascist Islamic murderers, nations and Wahabi extremists who use education to tell lies and deny truths. On a political, military, social scale each day!!!! The President told some truths on the 18th and today, the 19th. The media is furious about them. So are the Leftist Democrats. They hate his view that the Judeo-Christian Western Civ. worldview, with America fighting evil is slowly again being accepted by Americans and even some in the Middle East. It galls these Leftists that such truths would win. After all, in their diseased, warped minds, only America is the cause of real evil unless Leftists , of course, run the show. That they have no credibility on our national defense, simply is denied as they call for more and more retreat and less and less of national defense. They call for Civil Rights when the real civil right we all have is LIFE. If Islamists blow us up, kill us in the hundreds, thousands or millions, our Civil Rights will be meaningless. W knows that. Americans are finally waking up again about these truths. We Americans forgot 9/11. The Dems in the Senate killed the Patriot Act. If the USA is hit again, one truth will be certain. All Americans will know who to blame and it won't be the President!!!!


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