Will the American public still listen to Jesus' call?
There is a story on newsmax.com as well as WorldnetDailey that Christianity is under a huge and vile attack in our Amercian culture. The values, love, person of Jesus is now fair game for any attack posing as an intellectual thrust against religion. Of course, that does not include inspection of Islam, but never mind that~! Next Sunday, our small church is going out to pass out tracts and meet some of the public that is not in church that Sunday. And in our town, nearly 80,000 are unchurched. Many are Hispanics, some illegal immigrants. The area, here in SoCal, used to be a bedroom community which was white middle-class. It is not now. Secularism, humanism, multiculturalism now rules much of what passes as American intellectuality. Will people still listen to the Gospel of Jesus? Other than growing communities where Calvary Chapels and other huge mega-churches reach out and have a direct line to evangelism via seeker-sensivite or very personal friendship home Bible studies, can small churches still be effective in spreading the Gospel today? The MSMedia and the Mainline churches seem both to be losing membership and their view of being strong and persuasive and confident as a Judeo-Christian worldview seems to be gone. So, can we be successful? Will prayer, hope, faith still carry the day? And I mean as a Bible-centered, Christ-centered, Spirit-believing fellowship? We shall see and I will report on the out come. In our view, God is still the King. In America, nowadays, there are many competing Kings for our affection.
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