
Friday, January 06, 2006

Mark Steyn's great article on the death of the West.

Hugh Hewitt has put in print an analysis of Mark Steyn's article in Opinion Journal of the Death of the West. It is a public service. Now if only the universities would allow their students to read it. Also, what a miracle it would be if the State Department would read it. And President Bush. And the UN. And especially the NY Times editorial staff. Pat Robertson need not apply for Opinion Journal's website! But, since the EU, other European NGO's will not read this analysis, there should be commentary from plebians like myself.

First, it was over 3 years ago when that old isolationist, Pat Buchanan had much the same to say about Islam, the death of Western culture. It was very, very depressing. Pat has an agenda which many were not able to stomach. I did not like his pessimism.

Second, the Left in this nation and in Europe is working overtime to defeat Western values for some form of wishy washy multiculturalism and harmonious secularism. For over 60 years, it has been a culture war which many in our own nation will not believe: see David Letterman on TV just a few days ago. Too many Americans still get their views from Leno , Letterman and the MSM. Alternative media, the Web, Talk Radio, and Fox still has an uphill battle to combat mendacity and prevarication. The Leftist media simply lies nowadays with no punishment except the Mapes, Rather blow up. The Leftist Dems rarely are punished for their continual lying and they are undermining our Culture just as much as Islam.

Third,it will take much for our democratic, tolerant viewpoint ala President Bush, to finally say, Islam is not peace.Not as it is the standard of nearly 40 plus Islamic states. In Indonesia they burn Christians in churches. One can not tolerate that! So-called moderate Muslims must finally stand up and denounce Wahabi Islam NOW. CAIR will not do it. Who will?

Fourth, Islam needs an Ataturk. Turkey should be the standard format for a modern Islamic state, not Iran or Nigeria or Sudan or even Saudi Arabia.

Fifty, Steyn does not address the madrasses. With these horrid, evil, racist, hateful schools brainwashing many, many young Muslim students on a daily level, one wonders how to combat these schools. One wag said that unless all these students are killed, the newer generations will still be turning out Bin Ladens. That is a horrid idea but I await an answer to these madrasses. Steyn and Pipes, and Hanson should investigate some alternatives.


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