A funeral and the death of moderate Islam
The King funeral was a shambles. All because Jimmy Carter,(the worst President of the last 50 years and speaker of untruths), black pastors and other Democrat bloviators could not resist making a good lady's memorial, a political event. President W. Bush, was the perfect gentleman. He always is. Perhaps that is why the same time this event was going on, and the Islamic outrage(instigated by Iran and other extremists) continued, the President just could not betray his manners and come out fiercely and denounce violence until today. Even that warning was couched in nice diplomatic lingo. I love the Prez because his Christianity seems more genuine than even the sainted Carter's who the MSM just loves and elevates. But, sometimes, that mannerly way W has gives mixed messages. Moderate Muslims will not be appeased by manners. They will have to blast the Islamofascists because they are ashamed of a betrayal of Islam. Or perhaps Islam is just not peace. That is up in the air. Iran is still out there. Manners will not solve that problem. Yes, the President was a Christian gentleman at the King funeral. But, his Christian manners will not solve the fanaticism of the Islamofascists in Iran. He may be force to strike with deadly force as he did in Afghanistan and Iraq. He then will have to see that so-called moderate Islam might not exist at all. Or at least the moderates just have given up trying to denounce the Wahabbi-Sharia-Fundies and will continue to slide into apathetic irrelevance as the violence continues. Then the President will be faced with the clash of civilizations and culture he dread, we all dread, but may have already been in over the last 20 years.
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