Islam exposed????????
There are many websites showing books, articles on the dangers of Islam , just the religion itself. Then too, many articles show just how dangerous Islamofacism is. And the madrasses, hate schools. Only our MSM, the Times, The Post, The Boston Globe see fit to believe that Islam is really peace. Sort of the tin ear and tone deafness of our President on this issue. The fact is Islam is dangerous. Period. But, so many secularists, Christians, Jews and just plain Americans don't quite get it yet. Dispite 9/11, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and other attrocities shown in those areas by mullahs, imans, madrasses and crazies in general, Americans are just, by recent polling numbers, just coming to realize that our culture is in a war and that Islam may just be not what our universities or the New York Times pontificate upon. Ya think???
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