
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Marching for illegality

Well, Friday and today, Saturday, students, probably instigated by teachers or activists who have a stake in expanding instead of reducing illegal immigration, marched all over the USA. Pictures showed them laughing, eating, wearing IPODS, and cell phone chatting. One wonders if these kids realize what they are doing. Some might but my guess is family considerations probably enter in here if any of them are illegals. Costa Mesa , Ca. wants to actually enforce laws against illegals. Horrors! The Hispanic associations were appalled! The President is starting to realize that his Base is not for illegal immigration but it is too late. I can just see politicians appeasing them because of electoral considerations. Think if 12 million illegals are made citizens, get to vote and forever change our culture, laws, health and education codes and also challenge public safety. Ah what a circus it will be. Some one years ago should have given the clairion call against illegality. None was given but by some independent people who nobody believed. Even religious people will be divided over this because they do not understand what illegal means and how dangerous this will be when gangs are created, crime increases, and jails are even more filled than they are now. Jobs will not be filled with the peaceful workers that saw the green card of the 1950's. Expect more militancy as voting and political power increases. Multiculturalism will expand and America's idea of assimilating immigrants will be forever changed. Think this is too strong? Just wait till 2020. Think what my grandchildren will face in this nation when illegality simply means legal!


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