
Thursday, March 23, 2006

What is wrong with these leftist so-called Christians?

Well, we now have Cardinal Mahoney of Ca. calling for breaking the law via illegal immigration. And today, we have left-wing so-called pacifist,socialist, liberal, Democrat Christians being rescued and then blaming the rescuers , the British, via America in fighting their 'Muslim brothers,' Now left-wing Christians have been so wrong over the years since WWII that one wonders how they get legitimate cred from the MSM. We all know by now that when the MSM finds Christian kooks, they either love them because they validate the MSM left wing looniness. Or they hate them , via Right wing Christians, conservatives, Evangelicals. One wonders now why Jesus didn't make more statements about rendering unto Caesar et al. The fact that pacifists have almost always been wrong on policies does not seem to have stopped them as they undermine the military that rescued them. These groups write letters for support of the terrorists that have been detained. What a bunch of loons! The Bible does NOT teach pacifism. Acts 10 shows that Cornelius is a great Christian converted soldier. Peter does not tell him to stop being a soldier. During WWII, Korean, Nam Left wing Christians urged pacifism, cut and running, and urged peace, love and gave aid to our enemies and the enemies BTW of the very Church they assert to defend! No wonder left wing mainline churches keep losing members. Thank God they do. Pacifism would never have defeated the AXIS. Nor the Communists(thank God for Reagan). And they will not defeat Islamofacists who want no negotiations, no peace, but PURE DEATH FOR ALL INFIDELS OF JUDEO-WESTERN AFFIRMATIONS. When the Left, the Dems, the liberal Christians finally get that, our nation will be unified again. But, don't hold your breath!


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