Morality and the President's speech on IMMIGRATION.
Of course, when anyone talks or writes about immigration today, they seem to forget to use the nomenclature of illegal immigration. For it is not immigration per se that people oppose, but illegal immigration. It is a moral issue, not only because of the law breaking but the fact that immigrants who use the legal, proper channels are put in the back of the line all for the politically correct ideal that illegals somehow have a moral superiority. It is like saying that the 'poor' in general are morally superior. Sure, Jesus and the Bible demands that people not discriminate against people just because they are poor but nothing is ever said that the poor per se are morally superior. Nor are illegal immigrants. I don't look for much from the President. He is not, according to rumor, putting great numbers of border control officials on the borders and just using some National Guard patrols will not do the job. We shall see. But, frankly I am tired of the malarky that these 'poor' illegals somehow are justified in flooding our nation, storming our borders and legal immigrants and citizens should just sit still, bite their tongues and allow this flood to keep coming. Talk about morality.
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