
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Is blasphemy just routine in America today?

Seems that Madonna like to sing being crucified on a giant cross nowadays. And the audience just titters and cheers. Militant homosexuals mock the church and Jesus in parades. Movies do it as a routine shocker and get praised for their 'bravery'. Books are always making fun and mocking God, Evangelicals, or any brand of real Christians as just cultural and even dangerous boobs and rubes from the sticks.Blasphemy is on the rise and is being accepted by lots of young people because they have no history or cultural understanding of the historic foundations of this nation. Dennis Prager recently wrote an article on why college youths take liberal stances on anti-God views . Their profs are just as silly and absurd in their intellectual stances on God, intelligent design, Creation, the Judeo-Christian world view and kids just parrot these ideas with no clue as to just how the Judeo-Christian world view has shaped America. Is it worse than in past decades or centuries. Well, if one views sheer numbers as being brainwashed by secularists and leftists serious, the answer is YES. More numbers impact more people in more areas in a generation of science, communication, satellites, phones , TV etc. Thank God for Talk Radio; Thank God for Christian Blogs and people who want to defend the Judeo-Christian world view. Thank God for solid Christ-centered churches that still exist in this nation. The Church is not gaining in respect but under either obvious or subtle persecution, Christians actually seem to be more serious in spreading the Gospel of Christ and aiding society whether society recognizes it or not!


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