
Friday, July 21, 2006


Friends and church people probably are wondering if this ME chaos is the prophetic end of life and the scenario where Jerusalem becomes the focal point of the World End with Jesus Christ returning. Well, only God knows and the prophecy preachers on TV are probably selling more books and gaining membership or at least more attenders because of these perilous times. I will take a look from two points here: first, prophetically. One is always told to read Daniel, Ezekiel, and some minor prophets like Joel to see the time-line. Then, of course, Jesus talks about the end times in Matthew and Luke. Thessalonians takes up some points. Jude takes up some points. But, it is Revelation where prophetic teachers go and take up the scenario. OK, start there and go to the point where only the Lord will put this into effect if and only if that is the correct reading and exigesis of Scripture. A second Point: is history(which I believe God controls) looks to WWI, Palestine in the '30's, WWII, 1948, 1955-6, 1967, 1973 and on the years go with the Islamofascists never recognizing the state of Israel. And here we are today. Not being one who just sits back and watches scenario play out, I favor Israel taking out Hamas, Hezballoh, Iran and Syria. I favor the USA doing the same. Prophetically, many say, there will be a treaty promising Israel freedom and safety and that a master Ruler of the World , the Anti-Christ will break that treaty and God will end his reign and start up an earthly reign of His own. Till that happens, I want to see the USA, Israel and defenders of the Judeo-Christian world-view defend our culture and never stop attacking the Islamofascists. After all, people do read prophecy wrong sometime!!!!


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