Was it Amish terror today in India?????
Have you been surprised that the Left and the MSMedia in this nation continue to call Islamofascist terrorists, just 'insurgents, terrorists, civil war opponents'. Never do they use the term, Islamofascist terrorist. After all in India today, it was not the Amish, Methodists, Hindus, or the National Inquirer who blew up trains and killed over a hundred innocent people. The PC crowd in this nation, including churches, media, government officials-even the President, better start using the real term, Islamofascist terrorist. We should be profiling these people in the mosques right here in America. We should be using the term in the media, on Talk Radio, on the Net and in everyday conversation. These are the enemies of the West, America, capitalism, democracy, and the Judeo-Christian worldview. Period. These are not Amish terrorists. They are Muslims . Most terrorism in the entire world is Muslim. Muslim, Muslim, not Presybterian! Muslims in America should be asked to condemn all Islamofascist terrorism. No more excuses. Muslims are the people who are terrorists in great numbers. They sympathize with the terrorists. Polls in the ME and Indonesia and Africa show this. They are not in love with Western democracy. These Muslims are in fact aiding the Al Queda terrorists who are Muslims too. Muslims. Get it???
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