
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pastors involved

If anyone ever reads this, is a pastor or a Christian, please read Doug Giles' article on Townhall.com,Oct. 22, today on his views of pastoral involvement in America's issues: culturally, politically, economically, socially. It is much like I commented upon in my last post. I have always believed that Christians cannot sit around waiting for Jesus' Second Coming and not do anything about the society in which we live. Voting, of course. But, also, what should pastors advise and what should Christians do when dealing with poverty, illegal immigration, court decisions which deny Christian and Judeo religious rights under our Constitution? What should we do and advise when more than abortion headlines hit us in the stomach? How do we deal with child abuse, rights of innocent people in jail,( and there are some who are innocent), welfare fraud and welfare for those working poor who really need a hand up? How should pastors advise their congregants on war, peace, the military? How does the Word of God help them to do so? Is it always clear how the Word applies to many questions today? We shall never know unless we study it and then apply it the best we can. Sitting at home on election day when parties and candidates we know do not apply Biblical decisions to their political decisions is apathetic and I believe a sin of omission. One can sin with commission of course. But, not doing things one knows is right is also a sin. Going to Bible studies is a must. But, after them , how do we help people in an active way? How do we get them to see they are lost without the Lord God, Jesus Christ? That is action my friends. That is faith applied and acted upon. Faith without works is dead James wrote. So true and so more true as November 7 approaches and every day we can use our opportunities to do God's work on this Earth.


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