
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Should Christians vote?

This question if easy for me. Since I was 15, writing letters to William F. Buckley Jr., I have been involved in politics. I believe Christians cannot afford not to vote. The American Revolution had pastors asking people to stand for freedom against the British. After the Revolution, pastors asked their congregants to vote when they were able. It has been a tradition in this nation for religious people to cast votes, take stands on things such as slavery, poverty, expansion, war and peace. As in the days of Lincoln, we are in a Great War against an enemy far and near. It is not a Civil War, thank God, but it is a war which affects every voter in this nation. Robert Hutchins, of the U. of Chicago, used to say, ' ideas matter.' And so they do. Issues matter to Christians. It is more than abortion. It is more than war . There are cultural issues with which to deal. There are economic issues: high taxes vs lower taxes. There is who decides law in this nation: liberal jurists or conservative jurists. There is the issue of law and order and crime and punishment. All politicians have feet of clay. But then so do pastors , bakers and candle-stick makers! In a democratic-republic, citizens need to be informed voters and then need to vote. Staying home is to give up: to cut and run as it were. Christians know that Jesus is our King but now we live in this dimension where humanity has free will and makes decisions: good and evil. We Christians need to vote for those politicians who while not perfect, and may infuriated us sometimes, make policy that looks like the ones we favor. I will be voting for men and women of integrity. Ones who will cut my taxes, shore up our cultural values, win the war against Islamofascism, and appoint judges who follow our Constitution and not their own opinions. You bet Christians should vote. And Nov. 7 is that next day!


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