
Monday, June 20, 2005

Bolton, jurists, what next?

Leftist Dems in the Senate, on the airwaves, and out at their fund raisers seem hell-bent on destroying Bush, the war on Islamofacism, our military, any reform of the UN and jurists who actually judge not write laws. The Leftists really seem to be so anti-American now that the MSM is becoming their legal, social, and journalistic supporters without hiding their biases.What a topsy turvey look at reality. Christians are bad; Hamas is now good. Conservatives are evil but liberals are true patriots and really spiritual. Dems work hard and Pubs never hold real jobs, work hard and are evil. Up is down in liberal secularist-pacifistic-socialist views. What will Dems stand up against next? How 'bout national defense at all? How 'bout legal restraints on any illegal immigration? How 'bout the Constitutional view that our laws should be judged via our Constitution? In fact, some jurists on the Left are already there! Will the voter ever wake up? If so, what will they do to show that common sense has left all DNC , Leftist Dem Party people??? If Dick Durbin is the voice of the DNC, can we ever trust them to defend us? I think not.


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