
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Additions to July 4th

Unfortunately, the copy never came through my last blog attempt. We had a great 4th of July. A party, a great TV program on PBS from the Mall, and our appreciation of freedom and liberty all came to fruition. PBS usually is so anti-American but not with this program. The leftist Senate surely has been un-American in its stances against anything Bush proposes and anyone nominates. It goes on and on. Yet, freedom has prospered even in the two ME states we freed. As the court nominations come about, freedom will be proposed in those people. Wait and see. America will be proud of the new nominations. The 4th showed me that America is still strong and wants to keep freedom strong here and in areas where dangers counter our brave military.

There was a sadness, a day later. A church friend, Roy Perez had a major stroke. He is really in bad shape. He is, was, a great friend on our church, our nation and our free enterprise system. He believes in freedom and faith. If God wants him home, so be it, but I am praying that Roy gets well dispite the odds. Losing good people, if Roy dies, is now something that happens to people my age quite often. Yet, our nation remains free and optimistic. Even in war, even in sickness, even in death. My prayer is for Roy and the USA today to stay well and remain. free.


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