Should Christians always forgive apologies?
Would we have accepted apologies if Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot apologized for their horrors? Should we accept the Clinton, Durbin, Byrd, Reid apologies when we all know none of them are sincere? For within hours, or days, or the next news cycle, some other smear is uttered and covered up by the MSM. Oh, and why is it that the MSM, the Dems, universities and Hollywood never accept any Christian's apology for their history over the last 2000 years no matter what the event, person, matter? And has any terrorist, lefty, politician ever personally asked the varied Churches, Christian leaders for a specific apology? No matter who was the offender? The Bible is quite clear that we must forgive those who sin against us. But, I don't forgive Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot. I stand up when I can against their murderous thoughts, agendas, actions. Don't you? Sometimes Americans fight militarily evil. WWII comes to mind: Korea, Nam, Gulf 1, and now Gulf 2 and the war against Islamofacism. should we apologize for that? Should the military? Have we all forgotten 9/11? Have we forgotten the evil, murderous appeals of jihadism via the so called holy book, the Koran??And yet yesterday, some lunky NC court said it was now OK for Muslims in court to swear on the Koran! Since when has this nation abdicated the Judeo-Christian worldview? I realize we are being pushed that way via multiculturalism. But, if history and examples nowadays in Europe are any lesson, giving into this anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian worldview( Islam ) is simply suicidal. And no I do not forgive the OBL-jihadists-Hamas-PLO types who have massacred Americans, Israelies, British, Spanish citizens. They have never asked for one!!!!!
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