
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Terror, the economy, bits from yesterday's non-post

Well once again, the script did not come through. But, I wanted to ruminate on the attack against Britain, our great economic growth and the Bush winning war against Islamofacism.

The British will always show Churchill's moxy. They may be mod, or secular, or socialist but they will never give up London or their isle to tyrants. Never. And I pray that the USA shows, keeps showing that type of moxy that Reagan and now Bush have shown.

Our economic growth was near 5% last month. Housing starts were up. Jobs were in excess of 140,000 newly formed. Restaurant goers were at an all time high. The Market responded justly. The Bush economy since 2001 has created nearly 4 million new jobs. The Dem-lefties are in a lather about it. Just as they accuse Blair-Bush for the Iraq, terror, war; they say these jobs are not really the sponsorship of Bush economic ideas. No matter what Bush has done, will do, the Dem-lefties will dispise him, obstruct him and damn him. Even at the expense of our national security and economic growth. Hugh Hewitt has on his blog great excertpts from Chris Hitchens on the war against terror. I await other blogs commenting on our great economic rebound. I think Hannity.com already has some of that material. Take a look.


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