
Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Left is now attacking religion; but it is not Islam.

Religion is peculiar because most world religions believe they are correct on all theological points. As a Christian, I believe that. Now that makes me intolerant to the Left, especially. Yet, over the last few years, the war on the Judeo-Christian western civ. worldview, Christianity has been increasing. Now the Left, the NY Times, is attacking Judge Roberts' Catholic views on everything from abortion, to adoption , to gay rights, to whatever displeases the editorial board at the Times. Yet while even France begins to boot out Islamic fundies in the personhood of mullahs and imans who are dangerous, murderous fanatics., the US, even W, and the Administration are giving into the PC effort to call the war on terror, the war on extremism but never using the term Islamofascist terrorism. Frankly , I am tired of PC efforts in this global war against Islamofascism. When will Bush, the NY Times, many other Americans actually say we are fighting a hateful brand of Islam? When will the so-called moderate Muslims here in America decide to condemn the terrorist Muslims? When will the Left stop calling America the evil Satan as the Islamofascists do? What is permissable speech complaining about religion which will not endanger our national security? How will we be able to deal with complaints about Christianity without being biased against that foundational item in American culture? And how will we Americans be able to stand evil, killing-types of hate speech by American Muslims who take the standard jihadist brand of revolutionary speech without endangering our own national security? What are the limits of free speech blasting Christianity and Islam in America? Christianity is not advocating evil , nor hate, nor destruction though leftists will naturally deny this. Extreme terrorist Islam is. Should we Americans put up with this hate speech against Christianity and the hate speech of Islam? And should the Senate put up with the anti-Catholic questions , insinuations that the Dems are making against Roberts' faith? Oh , yes, this really is part of the internal culture war we Americans are facing.


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