The Sickness of the Left that is like cancer to the USA
Well, now it is Plame-Wilson again. Then Malveaux comes out on Sean's program and goes nuts. The NY Times seems like the old Soviet Pravda. The Dem Senators look like the Chinese PRC old men. It is sickening. On and on their hatred for Bush, America, capitalism, democracy as defined by Rove, Cheney, or Scalia. I mean it gets sickening trying to keep up with the Left's hatred, lies, spin, hysteria. Everyday it becomes clearer how they live in an alternative universe of reality. They blast Christianity and Judaism as shown in the Air Force Academy , Israel, the Bush Admin., and Evangelical power at the voting booth. They apologize for Islamofacism and then when called on it, gasp, lie again, and sputter that Republicans, Christians are the real terrorists. It is Alice in Wonderland. They act like a cancer infecting the body politic and act as if they are the wonder drug to cure our society. Instead, like staph, they spread and give us all gangrene and disase. It is getting so sick that it now has provided many Americans with what I call an Epidemic of Tiredness. Tired of all the lying, all the propaganda, the anti-Americanism, the polluted airwaves and media outlets like the Post, Globe,Times etc. Personally, I hope the voters punish these dolts once again in 2006. And I hope that the Left stops its psychotic effort to undermine the religious foundation of this nation: which is Judeo-Christian Western worldview. Period. Not Muslim, not multicultural, not Leftist. Their sickness is making me sick.
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