End of year rumminations, Dec.30
The bowl games are now in full swing. But, one should cap off the last year without speaking about sports. Oh, well, at least the TO story should be mentioned. Maybe steroirds. But, mostly Iraq, so-called domestic spying which isn't! And Bush haters. Which are! The military has baeen the big story this year for me. The bravery and achievements of our military is blasting Islamofascism has been Nobel Prize stuff. We have had 3 elections in Iraq for the first time in their horrid history.Saddam is in the hoosecal. Only the Leftist NYTimes and other MSM media doomsdayers, some rotten university leftists, and many Congressional Democrats seem to think fighting Islamofascism in Iraq is a bad thing. And spying on the rats is now gaining even more approval dispite the Left's cries of civil rights abuses.The economy is booming and I am surprised that the Dow has been taking some hits in the last week. Making money on all those inventory, surplusses, and gains throughout the year is just capitalism. What a signal it would have given if the Dow had reached 11,000! Also nice to see movies like Batman Begins, Walk the Line, Narnia, King Kong, and Pride and Prejudice make the film award notifications so that the gay cowboy thing, the Speilberg mess of Munich, and Clooney's Syriana don't try to hoodwink the public into thinking those type of stories portray reality. The myiths this year in film portrayed heroism, good vs evil, and good won most of the time!! Why Narnia even pointed to a triumphant resurrected God who defeats evil. Wow, what a novel concept! Celebrate safely and write some letters to our military on the many websites available. Do something constructive for people instead of getting hammered and acting like a darn fool. Bless the New Year by turning to Christ. That really will make it a Happy New Year.
Joe: I am sorry that I did not get back to you. Augustine as you know already has presented the views of just wars. Evil is never erased with pacifism. The nature of Christians in relations with other Christians should be peaceful. But, not to defend one's family, culture, civilization itself against the violent barbarians is just not sensible nor moral. In Acts 10, Peter never told Cornelius not to be a soldier. He just wanted him saved and filled with the Spirit and his family as well. Islamofacism is as evil as Soviet communism, Naziism and Facist Totalitarianism of the 20's-80's. Blood must be spilt to secure freedom as our history and world history shows. This is not the City of God. Not yet. I await Jesus' 1000 year reign and eternity in heaven where sin and its consequences will be fully negated. But, it is not this day.
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