It is Dec. 21 and we still will not more oil drilling, so what will Santa do to fly that sleigh?
Christmas is almost here but poor Santa will have no oil for that fast sleigh of his. The Leftist Dems and some envirowhacko Pubs stopped drilling in ANWR again tonight. They finally passed the Patriot Act for 6 months. The GOP just cannot seem to keep the 45 Senate Dems from undermining the entire war on terror as well as making us energy independent. So many compromises just to get home for presents, egg nog and critics!! Well, the lights on SoCal homes were beautiful last night as my wife and I wandered from street to street to see the gorgeous displays. It is warm here in SoCal but freezing back East. I wonder how many people there wish that their energy prices were lower? ANWR could help as would more nuke power. Still , the enviros would rather have socialism not capitalism here in the USA. Their alles, the Dems want that too. Can you see a Socialist Santa? That really is what the Dems seem to want for all of us. Makes you wonder how the Founders would view this Xmas season in Congress. Makes one wonder how the God that is being celebrated in 4 days would view America as it seems to be losing its moral as well as its common sense values and parameters. Let us all pray for grace as we stumble on into 2006. He is able to sustain us. Will our leaders legislate Him simply out of our national life? Makes one wonder, huh?
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