
Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Boxing Day, after Merry Christmas

Well, the season is still with us. Many sermons asked that Christians fight back and lovingly say Merry Christmas. We did and so did many others. Violent Video games were the smash gift items. Now a judge says that they cannot be reasonably censored. The economy roared on and sales were up dispite the energy prices zooming again. At the end on 2005, there ae many charts of what happened, who died, and what is coming predictions.One can predict that the better things are for the USA , the worse it will be for the leftist Dems in Congress, the MSM, and our enemies in the ME. The worst things for the USA, the above 3 will be in hog heaven!!Go see Narnia and King Kong. At least sweet, good, and nostalgic things are the format of both shows. The music of the season is over but the New Years' malarky will come as will the Bowl games. Even Dick Clark has recovered enough to appear on Dec. 31. All the Talk Radio hosts seem on vacation. So something big will still happen in the next 5 days and they will not get a chance to comment. We shall have to wait till Jan. 2-3-4. Finished reading Predator by Pat Cornwall. Did not like her stabs at America, Bush, and the supposedly horrid living conditions for Americans now. Seemed out of context with her heroes and their wealth and Harvard backgrounds. The intelligensia just cannot get Christmas, the USA, capitalism that feeds them, and our war on Islamofascism right. Oh well, there is always next year, say how bout them Eagles???? UGH.


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