The nation and the Church and our media all have to worry.......
As a college prof and pastor , I read and listen to much more than theological issues. These of course influence the church world, or should. But, I also like pundits who are both Christian, media-wise, bloggers, and all round analysts of our nation as well as our media. Hugh Hewitt just appeared on Sean Hannity's radio show and also recently interviewed a media reporter named Michael Ware. To read the transcript of Ware's comments is to remember why our culture, nation, Church and media are in such disarray. When members of our governing classes, our media, the varied Churches and cultural gurus can not remember anything past their own birthdate, one realizes why after 45 years of teaching history, kids still don't know what the Constitution is, when WWI or WWII were or who FDR,TR, Ronaldus Magnus or Sinclair Lewis, Fanny Crosby, Billy Sunday are but can tell you that Puff Diddy is now just Diddy and hip hop defines America! Ware seemed to be an historical dunce. He couldn't tell Hugh whether Stalin, Saddam, bin Laden, were all in the same boat as dictators, whether America was right in its justifications to repel Islamofacism, or whether the Cold War was worth it. He wasn't around, you see. So reading, gathering facts, doing some research is just not something the modern journalist seems to do. And moral relativism! Well, I'm sure Martin Luther King and Martin Luther are the same fellow to Ware. That our educational system today is a mess and fails to institute what my grandmother knew was patriotic fact, the American story, and what I learned in the early '40's of Americana, just doesn't seem to connect with Ware. His lack of perspective and moral equivalence is very disturbing. But, so it is in the Congress, the organized Church , the MSM and in our educational elites today. Perhaps Hugh better start teaching journalistic ethics, government ethics and even church ethics and drop law school teaching. Lawyers are bad enough but the three professions above seriously need some values and fact teaching. Now!
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