
Monday, April 24, 2006

The ongoing fight between good and evil, right and wrong

While every born again Christian knows that there is a war going on in their atmosphere(mind, body, spirit) as well as the cosmos, they also know that God will eventually win out over evil. The problem is , of course, that people live on this earthly dimension and not The Kingdom of God in the Millenium. Nor is this Augustine's City of God. It is earth. And people live every day in the midst of fear, hate, war, terrorism, gangs, illegality, ethical problems, sickness, Islamofacism, the Mafia, corruption in every strata of society. The Christian has an internal clock that is wound up by God's Spirit that keeps that one on a somewhat steady course even though God is invisible, doesn't run any government, school, or any institution except perhaps the Church Triumphant. And that is a shaky premise to be sure with sin so ripe even in the pastoral quarters or in that of the bureaucracy or councils.So what to do when Jesus says, Follow Me. Obey my commands. It becomes the trust and faith and sheer guts of the follower to pursue Jesus in a world of woe and travail. Internationally, it is much harder since over the last 2000 years, sides, nations, consortiums have asked God to be on their side but not their opponents. Still, there is good vs evil and right vs wrong. There are standards and those are Biblical , both OT and NT which make up a whole lot of Western frameworks for law and order. Citizens of this nation, have laws, foundations, our past, The Constitution, The Bible and many historical precedents which are Godly from which to make judgments. That so many citizens choose evil, sin, wrong doing, is a horrid example of our free will. But there it is. Political parties choose evil and sometimes think it is courage, right, fair, civil, tolerant , and moderate. In fact, those policies can be downright sinful, unpatriotic, dangerous, and undemocratic leading to appeasement, false law, bad law, cultural depravity all in the name of tolerance and fairness. Our nation is in the midst of that decision today. What makes it hard is that all the people, parties, participants and citizens seem so confused, discombobulated and wrongheaded that certain disaster could follow. Appealing to God of course helps in some cases. But, then the Confederacy did that and lost big time! So did the Crusaders. Interpersonal relations with Jesus, one's own spiritual center and other individuals is the basis of the Bible. International equations are far more complex and serious when it comes to war, peace, treason, provocations, murders, treaty obligations, alliances, trust and verify, and pacifism. The Bible is not too clear on this and one craves the Millenium when many think Jesus will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords over this sad, sorry, and sinful planet. When that occurs is a mystery. So, we must carry on individually with faith and justice as well as with patience, courage, and a fervor to never let evil win. Onward Christian Soldiers!!


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