The news is good and bad.
Funny how the news is both good and bad for America's citizens. There is a lot of spiritual confusion in America. People conflate their views of life and their philosohies of life ( see spiritual) with daily news. Happy or unhappy?? A good life or just middling or really bad???? People do not like to hear any news that seems confident in its assertion. Perhaps that is why Christianity has so many enemies. Christians actually believe that Jesus, the Bible and salvation and humanity's absolute need for reconciliation with the Universal Creator God because of human sin. That offends a lot of people. People see that taxes, war, AIDS, any other evil seems to take away from God's honor, sovereignty and reality. That is too bad since even spiritual people somehow always seem to withold absolution of guilt from that Creator God! We need to repent from that idea. I need to do so too. I do not understand all the comings of and goings or plans of the Biblical God. But, somehow something tells me inside of my personal human spirit, that God is good and is doing , directing, helping, forgiving, and showing that He is good and pure. Again, this confounds and confuses many Americans who nowadays seem to divide their everyday life from that that could be directed by this loving God if they only would allow Him. Two things happened just in the last week that contribute to this confusion. Last Thursday was the National Day of Prayer and was not very well attended nation-wide. But, last Saturday, our church was at the local Street Faire and found many people receptive to prayer and our info on the Lord Jesus. How that works out in their lives, only God and those affected will tell. Still, people are not quite ready to write off the Biblical God. Many Americans and many of America's enemies would love to see that happen. When and if it ever does, will be the end of American liberty, freedom, justice, grace, and generosity since the Judeo-Christian ethos is the basis of that type of foundation. Yes, I know that offends secular liberals, but it true , nevertheless.
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