
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Some interesting religous-type news today

Amazingly enough, the state of Ga. has done two things recently which could be a national example if our leaders had the guts. 1. Ga. has the toughest state laws against illegal immigration. 2. Today, Sonny Perdue signed legislation that did two things: allow the 10 Commandments to be posted near courthouses. And , allow public schools to teach about Biblical information as part of the curriculum. Not bad for a supposedly backwards Southern state, huh? It is about time that states stood up against the leftist, humanist, secular pagans that want to really impose their values on the majority of Americans. Of course, the MSM always proclaims that it is Judeo-Christians who want to impose their values. Oh that it would be so but the fact is, it is liberalism over the last 60 years that has dominated the legislative, educational, and media roost. We shall see if Christians just sit still when the ACLU and other pagan groups come after them when and if Christian schools, hospitals, churches, charities stand up for their own Constitutional rights! Oh, and it appears, according to the LA Times that Cardinal Mahoney, that paragon of virtue when breaking the law over illegal immigration, has lied about how his charges have dealt with abusive priests. I though lying under oath was perjury. Or does that only pertain to former Presidents?????


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