
Thursday, July 27, 2006

A foundation in a collapsing world

Just thinking a bit about the horrors of the Islamofascists murdering more Muslims then so called infidels. Thinking of the ME mess. Thinking of the invasion of illegal immigrants. Thinking of gangs overflowing now more than Los Angeles and the murder rate in some larger US cities. Thinking of oil companies making billions but enviro nuts and Congressional liberal not allowing the USA to drill its own oil and build nuclear plants making the USA self-sufficient. Then too I was thinking about how sad, displaced, disillusioned people are all over the globe without any inner foundation, satisfaction, joy, completeness and philosophy of life which was unifying them. No matter the hatred, sadness, pain, war, welfare cheats, horrid education scores, the Bible says that Jesus Christ, the Creator-God-Saviour of the Universe in that one and only foundation who can solidfy one's life. Period. Not Allah, not Christian Science, not Hinduism or Buddhism. Nope. Just the Biblical God. Not very tolerant but true and fulfilling. How to get this truth to all those blue, or violent, or disillusioned people is still the largest question Christians face in this disintegrating world. Only by acting as a single person or with like minded people will the answer be found. Slothfulness is one of the deadly sins. It will not work in this fast shattering world.


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