
Monday, November 27, 2006

After vacation, Thanksgiving, the world is stil the same.

The fact is, we had a pretty good vacation but both of us had some sickness, pain and annoyances. Then we came home for Thanksgiving and though ill, had a good dinner, praised God for all our blessings and then just yesterday, Sunday, heard a very encouraging sermon; 'But God...Epesians 2.' Then we watched TV, read the papers and guess what? We found that the world was as evil , sick and in chaos as usual. Sure, people were featured with some very good agendas, issues and even statements. But, the defeatism of even Christians over the war against Islamofascism got thicker and sicker. No calls for victory and the Turkish Islamofascists are calling for the Pope's death!! Muslim birth rate soars as Western European birth rates go under 2 kids per couple. In a few decades, Europe will be Muslim! The Baker Commission asks for Syria and Iran to take over the Iraq situation. Yeah, that will work: putting the wolf in charge of the hens. Commons sense, spiritual sense and just common morality goes to the Devil, literally! If it were not for the blessings of God on this nation and some people around the world actually starting to follow the Biblical God, all would be lost. To be frank, the fact is Europe is entering a long dark night of the soul. And I fear it will not recover. Russia is aiding Iran. The Middle East is as usual a mess with Palestine and the rest of the Islamic areas filled with their own chaos of their own making because they hate Israel and America. We need more , 'But God...' moments my friends. We need more believers joining together to pray for strength and victory over evil not compromise. People can cry peace all they want, but the Bible rightfully states, there is no peace without God-Jesus. In fact, that is the fact of the Advent Season, the coming of the Babe who will bring His Peace. Chaos is rife but we believers in the Judeo-Christian Western Civ. worldview must cooperate and unify to spread the Gospel of Salvation as well as stopping evil. Be Thankful and welcome Advent friends but keep your powder dry to be aware of the Evil-doers who threaten to overwhelm even our blessed nation!


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