
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It is over; now where do we go?

The election is over and one whether how Christians voted. Jews supported the Democrat Party with an 87% turn out. It is now over and one wonders how God wanted this election to really turn out. Some Bible researchers would say, He wanted this ; He ordained this. Well, since He also gives us all free will, one wonders if this is just a cycle of voting or is it a long term condition of the American electorate? Many initiatives decided some abortion, gay marriage, affirmative actions. War seemed to be a part of the decisions. But so did ethical and corruption charges. Did Evangelicals stay at home? Why? Why not? And how did people view ministry scandals such as the one in Colorado? All of these issues will be debate but one thing will not change. God in the Person of Jesus is still the King of the Universe. When all is said and done, unless we all , who call ourselves Christian, follow Jesus and allow Him to direct our lives, no election result will ever satisfy any of us. One thing is disturbing. Some issues and candidates did indeed run against traditional Judeo-Christian values. That will play out in the next few years. Prayer, closeness to the Lord , and discernment will still be the call of the day from me as we pray for the betterment of our nation.


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