Is it a sin not to vote?
Chuck Colson, the old Nixon hand, who is now a Christian, has written an article that appears on today, Nov. 1. It is this question on which I wish to comment. " Is it a sin not to vote?" Now this is directed at Christian voters and no one else. It is not meant to chide or encourage or depress non-Christians in the voting mode. It is to encourage and inform Christian voters that when the stakes are high as they are in this election next Tues. Nov. 7, that to omit to vote is really a sin because one knows that to vote is to be at the table in this democracy when hugely important issues are at such stake. Remember, the Bible infers that there are sins of commission and omission. When issues hit at Christians, and they have a chance to influence outcomes in this nation , not to vote is not only silly, inane and stupid but really outrageous if one who is a Christian omits to vote on issues which are life and death. Prop. 2 in Missouri is on cloning. Voters should be very interested in that. Abortion is up on many ballots. Illegal immigration is on ballots. People who do not want to protect this nation via the War against Islamofascism are on the ballot. Parental notification is on many ballots. Even cutting taxes as well as raising them are on ballots. Then there are obvious Christian politicians who are running for office.. If they have integrity, honesty, and stand correct on the issues that affect their constituents, not voting is to allow secular humanist liberal pacifist socialists to win office. I think Colson is right for Christian voters. Not to vote is a sin. And if our nation gets candidates elected who are not for Judeo-Christian Western Civ. worldviews, and many Christians stay at home because they whine, carp and are snitty over one or more policies they don't like by one party or the other, they only have themselves to blame!
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