
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The evil of misinformation

I am very tired of all the propaganda that the Left in religion, the media, on the unversity campus, and politically puts out about such things as how America is the biggest terror threat in the world etc. In religion, it is now stated by the Left that Catholics, Prots, and the Judeo-Christian believer in general need not apply for political postions since they are the , yep, the biggest terror threat in the world. Now the media is presenting a Mrs. Sheehan who says, that the Prez, America, our war in Iraq is , naturally , the biggest threat of terror in the world. Frankly, I am sick and tired of these propandists. They are liars and I am getting to the point that dealing with them is not worth anyone's time. Why we give credence to such nuts is a mystery. But, all one has to do is to read the NYTimes, their political fora and you will see nuts blossoming each day! I remember a few years ago, books by a Frank Perata, or something like that spelling. His views were that liberal-leftistism, Islam, and other secular-humanist groups all joined together (actually being undergirded by Satanic evil) to ruin the Judeo-Christian civilization and especially ours in the USA. They were novels. I am not so sure they didn't analyse the truth for our 21st Century America. Of course, no one in the NYTimes would ever believe such propaganda!


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