God in the Court, the Hurricane and Iraq???
The AP is trying to make Iraq into Nam. Why? Because they want Bush to lose. Period. Much of the MSM wants this to happen. Of course, they would deny it. Just like they would deny that they are for the DNC agenda on all counts. And then too, John Roberts was passed out of committee and you know, both he and Bush believe in God!!! Then of course there is Katrina and Rita. Two female hurricanes which seem to be driving the President's numbers down and down. Where is God in these horrors, the press asks? Bush is incompetent and so is God?????? Is that their point? And now we hear they believe Iraq is a lost cause. No God there either????It is frustrating to patriots, believers and people who have empathy with the hurricane victims. One cannot win seemingly because God is invisible. But is He? Generosity of the American people funding the armies of compassion, mostly non-profit churches etc. have been a huge help in aiding victims. Our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have been compassionate to the victims of Al Queda. Elections have come and gone and our media forgets to report on them! Our courts seemingly forget God but help is on the way there too. Let the President appoint a few more strict constructionists and see how Godly values will once again be in the headlines!
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