Storms all over
I pray and hope many Americans are praying for the possible victims of Katrina. I hope Blue staters are praying for their Southern brothers and sisters. There seem to be many storms nowadays that are not just weather fronts. We still are being beseiged by the Cindy Sheehan story which is now getting revolting in her extremism and statements about Bush and our military. There is little coverage of her female opponents which number in the thousands. The Left Media will not show this because they love storms to undermine our nation, Christians, conservatives and anything Republican. Cindy made some anti-Christian statements recently to go along with her blasphemy, her ugly statements against the President and the war on Islamofascism. Katrina is a rough storm. But, Americans down South will rebuild and survive. I hope the military will survive this constant hate piled on by the Cindy's , the DNC, and liberal Senate Dems on a daily, nauseating level!
You know that may be true. But, it does seem that so called liberal Christians do most of the PC sniping at America, prayer, Christian freedoms. Of course, there are Christian Dems. Look at the people down South. But, I would love , just once, for these types to defend the Church, defend the Jesus Only for Salvation theology, and to defend America when it stands against evil such as Islamofascism. When it does, I will be applauding all the way. Until they do, I will question how they read good and evil and how they see pacifistic-socialism as the theology of the Bible.
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