
Monday, September 19, 2005

The Rise of atheism, humanism, leftism

Here we go again. The media seems to be 'worshiping' at the foundation of any ideology which downgrades Christianity once again. Yet I am convinced that with the latest news of Katrina, we see once again that Christians and faith based charities were the most successful at helping the hurting. Our little church did so and trusted Samaritan's Purse. I saw where a ball player said that it is time for the public to realize that while the Red Cross is neat, that the Salvation Army has been doing yoeman like work. Yet on TV, atheists, humanists, leftists seem to go unfazed or not even questioned when they make fun of Christians, the President's faith, and charities. All we hear is how weird Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell are. Two people are not the face of the Christian faith in this nation. When good men do something for others, you will see that following Jesus Christ in being servants to humanity is the real foundation of Christianity. Atheists, humanists, and leftists may have some loud concerts or go on Bill Maher's show, but they do little to help their fellow humans when they are hurting on a vast scale. Thank God for faith based charities who do more for our citizens than all the naysayers and haters in the USA. God is NOT dead in the USA. Perhaps He is dying in Europe but He is alive in many areas of the world. The Biblical God is who I am writing about. And guess what? Many of those geographic areas are coming to be believers in those places and welcome God's help, the church's help, and people are realizing worldwide that atheism, humanism and leftism just doesn't meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people. That is sometime to shout Hooray about!


At 11:03 AM, Blogger K.Koons said...

Have you read moy most recent commentaries??


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