Political sniping on tragedy and horror.
Well, it had to come. Pols, blogs, liberal groups are blaming Bush, the governors, FEMA, the RED CROSS and every charity plus our military in Iraq for not BEING IN PLACE BEFORE THE STORMS HIT THE DEEP SOUTH. First, it was Global Warming and how Pubs , conservatives, and Christians helped cause, allow, initiate that 'theory' as the cause of hurricanes. Second, the MSM slowly stated and now are in a rush to stumble over themselves to assert that RACE has entered this equation because the poor, the looters, the disadvantaged are all black! Now the fact is that 67% of New Orleans and a huge % of the southern states have black citizens and this seems to have slipped the media's minds. So, if blacks suffer, it is a holocaust allowed by whites, conservative Americans and of course, the dreaded Bush! Third, it has also slipped their minds(the media) that New Orleans and La. is mostly a Dem-run state. There are many Dem leaders in charge of many of the cities beseiged by the water, storms, and disease. Will they be blamed too? Already, the Pub guvs of Miss., Ala., and Georgia are being blamed by the mass media as villains in this horrid drama. The fact is, many web sites are filled with Katrina outlets to send money, goods, etc. in the millions to the suffering. The National Guards are pouring in. The military ships are coming. Charities are on the ground such as the Red Cross, Samaritan's Purse, Catholic Charities, Feed the Children and the Salvation Army. America is filled with generous people and we will see generosity like nothing else in our history. Fund raisers are being planned and already in effect. Even President Clinton and GHWBush are going to join again and raise money. And where is the conscience and souls of the looters? Are they not Americans? Or do they even threaten the mayor of New Orleans as has been reported. Let's all focus on the good Americans and not the political snipers or real snipers and price raisers and the PC pols who want to blame someone for these horrors for political reasons. Americans will respond and so will all those charities who are made fun of by the elitist classes like churches, non-profits, and groups like the Salvation Army! Mark my words: this area of the South will rebound.
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