
Sunday, September 11, 2005

9/11 once again

This day should be honored as a day for the brave dead, the response of the President and the American people against the murderous tactics and events precipitated by Islamofascist terrorists 4 years ago. The media did not do a good job reporting on the recent Katriana-NO-Ala.-Miss. disaster. Today, there was little rememberance but some media outlets did provide good reminders. Churches all over the nation did. In Seal Beach, Ca. my wife saw a great service on praise, prayer, reminders and support. It is almost absurd that nowadays, Americans just cannot stay focused on the fact that we are at war. Instead, it is back to business . Then comes NO and Katrina. Once again, Americans show themselves to be resiliant and generous. In all of this , my co-partner in minstry reminded us today, that God is still in charge, is with us in good times and bad times. Now, if we would always remember that too. Blaming God, blaming Bush, blaming someone for horrors and natural disasters seems to be part of our national past-time. It is time to stop the blame game and not only trust God but trust that Americans can still rely on love, grace, generosity, faith, and on each other. Then too, self-reliance with God's help is another of our spiritual inheritances as well as historical characteristics. As we keep with our Creator-God, 9/11's and Katrina's can be overcome until that day when God Himself steps in and sets all horrors right!


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