
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat, ID, Darwin, Conservative vs leftists

Wow. Are Leftist and even Rightist commentators , both religious and secular are blasting Robertson for wanting to kill Hugo Chavez , leftist dictator of Venezuela. WWII had such an agenda when Lutherans were tied to a plot to kill Hitler. If it had been Castro, would Pat be accepted? Nah! What would have happened if leftist pastors had called for the assassination of W for the 'higher good'? Would there be outrage from the Left as well as the Right? In an age of PC confusion and hatred, one is never sure how revisionist history, ideologies, and even ethical standards would come out. Frankly, Pat should have known better . Ideas will be the only thing to defeat Chavez. His own people will have to see his dictatorial leftism as dangerous for THEM. El Salvador did. Guatamala did. It is possible.

Then the NY Times, the first Leftist MSM flacker for the DNC in America has had articles on Darwinism, God, ID, evolution and why Christians are dangerous in this debate. Wow. This too is a real debate with PC fringes and some material that creationists will never see in print there. ID cannot win according to the Leftists and some scientists. It would undermine the legs of scientific secularism. Then too, there is always the battle of conservative vs liberal pastors taking varied stances on not only war, abortion, this ID battle as well as Who is the real God and King of the universe. It will go on but it is very obvious that the Judeo-Christian Western Civ. is under violent attack by the Left of all stripe:religious or not.


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