Another attempt to reach non-Christians
Over the last 2 decades, Christians have been using Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Chuck Smith, and many other suggestions from solid spiritual people in the Church world on how to reach out to non-Christians.Some fear that there is a watered-down Christianity which is 'thin or soft on Jesus'. Some wonder if Jesus is really the only way to salvation , eternal life and a changed personality and character for real life situations.God is an infinite, wise, loving God. He deals with every person and church on an individual basis. Perhaps He uses a person in healthcare situations. Or in stores, at the job, on the freeways, as well as in church offerings. He often uses people in varied ways which seem to many people very controversial or unusual to say the least as say Bikers for Christ, or Store-Front Church, or even a Food and Clothing Bank. Some have tried Friendship evangelism. Some advertize . Some give free concerts, seminars, dances, Singles' meetings. The point is, contact, communication on every and all fronts is a necessity so the community sees that Churches are not their enemies and that the introduction of a loving and saving universal God is an act of love for humanity. Our church has tried over the years every one of these actions. Some have worked , some have failed. But, the Church is NOT in it for the money as so many critics claim. At least the Church which really believes that only a real life changing relationship with the God of the Universe, Jesus Christ is the most loving gift it can give to any listeners or watchers. It is not easy, nor always successful. But, if God doesn't use, say our group, He will find another to share His love and grace. I pray, have prayed for over 19 years as I have been a pastor at our church for outreach success. Now with a new pastor at our church, I wish him the same success even when things don't go well . You know if it rains, if people leave church without telling the staff, if gossip starts, if people don't give of their time, talent and treasure, all these things discourage pastors and even other church attenders. Still, the rain rains and the suns shine on all occassions, bad or good. The problem of contacting and keeping new believers not only for God's Kingdom and for their own eternity and life's betterment will go on and on. Hanging in their with the only God who is worth real adoration is an old chestnut, but after being in the Church world for decades, it is my only punditry and suggestion that makes much sense. Of course, it would help if God would also by His own power bring believers to every Christian Church. Many of the world's problems might be alieviated if the churches were filled with real believers rather than living a life of quiet desparation!
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