Easter Week and confusing ethics we all face
Easter week is here but as I stated before, the MSM is already denigrating Jesus and the historical fact of the even we call the Passion Week and the Resurrection.In this same week we have seen thousands of illegal immigrants, possible law breakers, students out of school, leftist blog writers, leftist unions, and foreign agitators marching asking other legal Americans including many legal immigrants to simply accept them without laws, health care, education, public safety, terror, and national sovereignty concerns! Now we hear leftists cry out, what would Jesus do? And we have Cardinal Mahoney pontificating along with Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy how Jesus is asking America to accept all these law breakers who after all in their view, are just visitors that we Americans here should be hospitable to without any strings. Democrats have needs a religious niche to gather the religious vote and they think they have one here in this illegal immigrant issue. All in all, Congressional tin ears and ones who really want all these illegal voters to put them into power are not operating as if Easter, Christianity or hospitality is the real foundation for these marches and rhetoric that flows out day after day and night after night. Oh and btw, Iran said today that uranium is about ready to be put in nuclear weapons and just in time for Easter week. Some religion of peace Huh??? Dispite that, Happy Easter and go to services all week. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and surely one of the many Easter services. Jesus can actually overcome all these evil happenings. This writer has had quite a lot of pain, bruising, scrapes, swelling in my back and shoulder after a fall in the steam room in a gym. Yet, for once in my life, before I fainted or ground my teeth on Poor Me, the Lord actually saved my life though my body will not recover for weeks. Jesus was there in that steam room. He will be with our nation if we take His wisdom into our decision making on many of these national issues. Even if we don't, Jesus will still be Risen and Victorious over all our confusion!
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